Tuile Cookie

Questions and Answers – What is a Tuile Cookie




I found this and wondered:  “coffee mousse with orange tuiles.”  Is “tuiles” equivalent to orange peels?  I didn’t see it in your online dictionary, but I LIKE your online dictionary!!!  Thanks -Jim (11/24/03)



Tuile (TWEEl) – French for “tile”  – A tuile is a thin, crisp cookie that is placed over a rounded object (like a rolling pin or a mold) while still hot from the oven.

Once cooled and stiff, the cookie resembles a curved roof tile.  The classic tuile cookie is made with crushed almonds, but the cookie can also be flavored with orange, lemon, vanilla, or other nuts.  Tuiles belong to a category of small fancy cookies, pastries, or confections called, “petits fours.”


Thanks for your explanation!  I am familiar with those red tile roofs (love ’em).  Also, classifying them in the “petits fours” category helps because I’ve always been a bit uncertain just what fits as a petits fours.  My impression is that many Americans call any little cookie (or crustless sandwich) “petits fours”.  In some instances, I know the women using the term have never been out of the U.S. and have seriously doubted that the correctness of their terminology.  Thanks again for your thoughtful reply! – Jim



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