Questions & Answers – How to mix milk and tomato Soup
When I made a tomato soup the instructions said heat the canned tomatoes and heat the milk. Add the hot tomato mixture to the hot milk. That seemed to curdle it, so I tried putting a little baking soda in the tomatoes first. That seemed to produce some congealed white stuff in the soup.
How do I properly put both tomatoes and milk together. I would like to be able to make this simple soup as it can be quite nice once you add the salt and pepper and parsley. The recipe was from the cook book Food that Really Schmecks, a Menonite cook book. I would appreciate any advice that you can come up with to solve my dilemma.- Ellie (4/10/02)
The protein in milk is likely to clump together when it is exposed to acid or salt, causing curdling. There are a number of things one can try to help avoid this situation:
NOTE: The tomato and milk should be exactly the same temperature when combining. Do not boil the milk (this in itself can cause curdling). A dd the hot tomato sauce very slowly to the milk, stirring constantly.
One Response to “How to Mix milk and Tomato”
I have been trying different ways of mixing a can of tomato soup and milk. I tried adding baking soda it was way too salty for men of course I don’t eat much sodium anyway, to me the can soup is salty enough. I took and warmed my milk slightly and cooked the soup to almost a boil then added hot soup to milk about 1/4th C., stir then slowly poured the the rest into milk. Perfect no curdling. Good luck