Questions and Answers – Anise Seed vs. Licorice
I really enjoy your web site and find it extremely interesting and helpful. I am currently living abroad in Israel and yesterday the discussion arose among two ex-pat Americans and two Israelis as to the difference between anise and licorice. Could you elaborate? I imagine that it might also be helpful to add it to your very impressive Culinary Dictionary! Thanks for your attention and assistance! – Rena (2/28/07)
I found a great web site on licorice and anise seed. This site also has photos. Since I do not believe in reinventing the wheel, I am sending the site to you (just click on the underlined links below):
Anise Seed:
Thanks for your quick response and best of luck to you as you keep updating the site, which is great!!!! Kind regards – Rena (2/28/07)
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