Summer Food Safety Tips – The most important steps to keep these uninvited guests away are very easy to do!
The biggest party crasher at summer picnic and buffets is food bacteria. You can not see them, you can not taste them – but you sure can feel them if illness occurs hours or days later! Read our Summer Food Safety Tips to avoid disaster.
Each year about one in every ten Americans has an illness caused by food. Most of these cases result in simple stomachaches or diarrhea. If you prepare and then store foods properly, they will never leave their calling card behind. It is up to you to select, store, prepare, and then serve safe foods for you and your family.
Buffet and Party Safety
Also includes what to do if your guests have been delayed at least an hour.
Food Safety
IF IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT! – If you have any question in your mind about the freshness or safety of eating a food product, throw it out. It is better to be safe than sorry!
Picnic Safety Tips
There is nothing more American than the picnic. Picnics can take on many forms, such as the community picnic, friends and neighbors, tailgate parties, or ball games. There is also one sure thing at every picnic-lots of good food. The important point is to have safe and healthy food, not food that can cause food borne illness. Always prepare and store food properly.
Summer Safety Tips
Summer is the time for barbecues and picnics. The biggest party crasher at summer picnic and buffets is food borne bacteria. You can not see them, you can not taste them – but you sure can feel them if illness occurs hours or days later.