Grilled Green Onions are a fantastic and delicious accompaniments to a thick, juicy steak of your choice.
The onions caramelize and become soft, buttery, and sweet, while maintaining the ever-delicious onion flavor. These grilled green onions are salty and sweet with a little onion bite to them.
Be sure to buy the largest green onions you can find. If using small green onions, bundle several together or cook them on a piece of aluminum foil.
- 18 large green onion*
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, freshly-ground
- Salt to taste
Trim onions, leaving about 2 inches of green top.
When ready to use, preheat Barbecue grill.
Remove prepared onions from refrigerator, drain and discard marinade.
Grill 3 or 4 minutes on each side or until they are wilted and juar slightly charred.
Remove from grill and let cool to room temperature (these hold well while our we grill our steaks or other meats).
* Also know as Spring Onions and Scallions.