Chocolate bowls are very easy to make. You do not need professional molds to make these chocolate bowls. Chocolate bowls are handy for holding candies, other chocolates, truffles, berries, strawberries, ice cream, wafers, and more. Let your imagination be your guide!
Recipe and photo By Ellen Easton’s Tea Travels™ 2020- All Rights Reserved.
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- Small balloons
- Good-quality dark chocolate, broken into small pieces (for melting)*
- Double-sided tape
- Ceramic or glass bowls
- Wire rack
Blow up and tie the balloons to the size of a tennis ball or larger desired size.
Place double-sided tape on the bottom of the balloon. To secure, set the taped balloon inside a glass or ceramic bowl.
Place a wire rack over a very large bowl set in your sink. Place the taped balloons into the wire rack set apart from one another.
Melt or temper the chocolate. You don't want to use un-tempered chocolate, because it will get soft at room temperature and your bowls might not hold their shape. Either place into the microwave to melt or use a double boiler (bain marie). Remove from heat and let the melted chocolate cool down. Learn different techniques for How To Melt Chocolate.
While still in melted form spoon the chocolate over the balloon from the center top until coated all the way down the sides. If the coating appears too thin, repeat. If you wish to add shredded coconut, colored sprinkles or sanding sugar do so while the chocolate is still wet on the balloon.
Place the bowl with your coated balloon in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Once the chocolate is completely set and hard, remove from the refrigerator.
Pop the uncoated side of the balloon with the point of a sharp knife or pin and very gradually let the air escape (if air is released too quickly, the bowls may break). Carefully remove or peel away the balloon from the remaining chocolate shape.
Place the chocolate bowl on the individual plate and fill with sorbet, ice cream, fresh fruits, or whatever you desire.
Store chocolate bowls between layers of waxed paper at a cool room temperature.
* You could also use a combination of both white and dark chocolate when making the bowls.
TEA TRAVELS™ – Wishing You Happy TEA TRAVELS!™ Tea is the luxury everyone can afford!™ and Good $ense for $uccess are the trademarked property of Ellen Easton/ RED WAGON PRESS
Ellen Easton, author of Afternoon Tea~Tips, Terms and Traditions (RED WAGON PRESS), a lifestyle and etiquette industry leader, keynote speaker and product spokesperson, is a hospitality, design, and retail consultant whose clients have included The Waldorf=Astoria and Plaza Hotels. Easton’s family traces their tea roots to the early 1800s, when ancestors first introduced tea plants from India and China to the Colony of Ceylon, thus building one of the largest and best cultivated teas estates on the island.
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2 Responses to “Chocolate Bowls Recipe – How To Make Chocolate Bowls”
Chocolate Candle Soap Materials
Cooking is my passion and read regularly new thing about the new recipe. I thankful to Cooking America that provides new ideas.
Rajiv Sharma
Hey! Amazing it’s really easy for making chocolate bowls by hand, chocolate bowls are handy for holding candies, other chocolates, truffles, berries, strawberries, ice cream, wafers, and more. Thanks for your guide!