Wild Game
Akutaq – Eskimo Ice Cream History and Recipes
The native people (Indigenous People) of Alaska have a distinct version of ice cream called Akutaq (also known as Eskimo Ice Cream). It is not creamy ice cream as we … Continued
Baked Rainbow Trout Recipe
Baked Rainbow trout are so good that my husband said we should always cook trout this way. Bingo! My husband came home from his fishing trip today with three large Rainbow … Continued
Brunswick Stew History and Recipe
Brunswick Stew Recipe and History Cooking Brunswick Stew has become a time-honored tradition, a source of regional pride, and a true culinary art in the Southern States. It is almost … Continued
Cooked Elk Meat Recipe
After spending almost 15 years as a vegetarian (five of those years as Vegan), I was disappointed to learn that due to health issues I would need to consume a … Continued
Country-Fried Venison Steak Recipe
This country-fried venison steak recipe is from my sister-in-law, Shirley Roth of Alamogordo, New Mexico. Shirley sent me these photos of cooking an Oryx (antelope) steaks from White Sands. She … Continued
Grandma Miller’s Homemade Mincemeat Recipe
Grandma Miller’s Homemade Mincemeat recipe was shared with me by Joy Chowning of Oregon. Joy says, “This is my great grandma Miller’s recipe for homemade mincemeat. This recipe is highly sought out by … Continued
Grandma Myer’s Homemade Mincemeat Recipe
This is the truly old-fashion type of homemade mincemeat that is actually made with meat in it. This is my grandmother’s recipe for mincemeat. My mother always made this homemade … Continued
Grandma’s Homemade Mincemeat Recipe
This is truly an old-fashion homemade mincemeat recipe that is actually made with meat in it. Unfortunately, most people have never tasted a true old-fashioned mincemeat pie (also called mince … Continued
Green Tomato Mincemeat Recipe
Green Tomato Mincemeat Recipe – Mock Mincemeat This wonderful old-fashioned Green Tomato Mincemeat recipe is by Elsie, a wonderful woman who went to our church. She made the most delicious … Continued
Grilled Cedar Plank Trout Recipe
Our wonderful neighbors shared this fresh-caught trout with us. The cedar plank gives the trout a light smokiness with the meat so tender and moist. I like to serve this … Continued
Grilled Rainbow Trout Recipe
Learn this easy, no-mess method to prepare and cook grilled trout. My husband’s favorite outdoor activity during the summer months is fishing – trout fishing. He likes to find a … Continued
Lemon Pan-Fried Trout Recipe
Lemon Pan Fried Trout recipe has to be one of the easiest and quickest way to cook a trout – plus it is gluten free! Rainbow trout are traditionally cooked … Continued
Mincemeat Bar Cookies Recipe
Mincemeat Bar Cookies are a perfect treat for mincemeat lovers. Mincemeat Bar Cookies are like eating a mincemeat pie, without the hassle of making pie crust. According to my … Continued
Mincemeat Information
Mincemeat Information Mincemeat developed as a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking some 500 years ago in England, where mince pies are still considered an essential accompaniment to … Continued
Mincemeat Nut Bread Recipe
Mincemeat Nut Bread is great for your holiday planning as it is a quick and easy bread to make that is so delicious. If you love mincemeat as I do, … Continued