Broccoli Raab

Broccoli Raab/Rapini

  Commonly known in the United States as broccoli raab (also spelled broccoli rabe).  It is truly a vegetable with many names around the world.  A few of the many … Continued

Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat Flour – Gluten-Free Flour

Buckwheat Flour Adds Nutrients and Flavor to Baked Goods:   Check out all of Charlotte Bradley’s Healthy Lifestyles columns. As allergies to wheat become more prevalent, many people find themselves … Continued


Burrito Recipe – How To Fold Burritos

In our home, burritos are a standard when it comes to quick mid-day meals, weekends on the run, or any other time that we need something to fix in a … Continued

Butter vs. Oil in Muffins

  Questions and Answers – Butter vs. Oil in Muffins   Question: I have several recipes for muffins and the like that call for cooking oil.  When I make them … Continued

Buttercream Icing Recipes

Buttercream Icing Recipes     Peggy Weaver, author of Peggy’s Baking Corner, has generously answered all the above question on cake baking during the last 15 years.  Peggy will not … Continued

Butterscotch vs. Caramel

Questions and Answers – Butterscotch vs. Caramel   Question: Can anyone tell me the difference between butterscotch and caramel?  A response would be greatly appreciated.   Answer: Butterscotch -The flavor … Continued

Cabbage Recipe Collection

Cabbage – A Low-Calorie and Fiber-Rich Vegetable

  Cabbage Hints and Tips Cabbage is made up of clusters of stiff leaves in overlapping, compact layers.  There are several varieties including green, purple, red, and savoy.  Cabbage belongs … Continued

Capers, Capparus Spinosa

Capers – What are Capers?

 Capers, Capparus Spinosa Capers, Capparus Spinosa are pickles made from the unopened flower buds of the caper shrub (Capparis spinthe – closely related to the cabbage family), a wild and … Continued

Caramelized Sugar

Caramelizing Sugar Recipe – How To Caramelize Sugar

Caramelizing sugar is a term most often applied to melting sugar until it becomes a caramel color liquid.  Caramelized sugar is simply a mixture of sugar and water cooked until … Continued

Celery Root

Celeriac – Celery Root

  Celery root and celery are members of the same family of vegetables, but Celeriac or Celery Root is not the root of the vegetable you buy called celery.  This … Continued

Chef Seasoning Salt Substitute

  Question: My father recently was hospitalized for a stroke.  Because his blood pressure is high he was on a salt restricted diet.  With all of his meal came a … Continued

Chia seeds

Chia Seeds

Health Benefits of the Ancient Chia Seed You have probably heard how important it is to get enough essentials fatty acids (EFAs) in your diet.  Some good food sources containing … Continued

Chicken Shrinkage When Cooking

Questions and Answers – Chicken Shrinkage When Cooking   Question: It seems that by the time I have finished cooking a piece of chicken breast, it has reduced in size. … Continued

Child Friendly Kitchen

Child Friendly Kitchen

Creating A Child-Friendly Kitchen By Lea Schneider, Professional Organizer   The following is an excerpt taken from Growing-Up Organized:  A Mom to Mom Guide, written by What’s Cooking America’s own … Continued

Chocolate bowls

Chocolate Bowls Recipe – How To Make Chocolate Bowls

Chocolate bowls are very easy to make.  You do not need professional molds to make these chocolate bowls.  Chocolate bowls are handy for holding candies, other chocolates, truffles, berries, strawberries, … Continued